


The department's IEEE Club is a student branch of the , the world's largest technical professional organization.

The club helps physics and engineering majors see the possibilities of where they could end up after college in their respective fields. Seminars are tailored to present the business occurring inside various companies, and occasionally there are some pretty cool speakers from intriguing companies.

You can learn about internship opportunities available, what different companies do, and discover both cool and practical ideas people have developed in a variety of industries — along with just how the technology works and how these companies operate.

SAC Pictures


Our Events


Students attend a variety of presentations each year, on topics like:

  • The changing culture of robotics 
  • Ultrasonic welding
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Professional networking and applying for jobs
  • Project management

Check out our event schedules from past semesters and take a look through our photo gallery. That will give you an idea of what it's like to be a member of IEEE.

Club Pictures







Past Speakers






SAC Meeting

 What is SAC?

The Student Activities Conference (SAC) is an event hosted by IEEE. Several engineering competitions are held at this conference that students can compete in.





IEEE Officers

Club officers help organize events each semester. The 2023-2024 officers are listed below and are available by email to answer any questions you may have about IEEE.

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