
LSC: A sustainable design

As part of the University's mission as a Jesuit university in the Catholic tradition, and our commitment to social justice, the university designed the LSC following the guidelines for LEED gold certification.  Our university is deeply committed to sustainable design, as well as promoting a sustainable lifestyle.  Our sustainability initiatives included:

  • use of local materials (such as stone taken from local quarries)
  • maximizing the usage efficiency of each laboratory.  We follow the adage that states:
    "the greenest space that you can build is the space that you don't build".  By streamlining our design, we use less construction materials, and less energy through the life of the building
  • use of energy efficient lights and heating systems
  • recycling heat from exhaust air using a heat exchange wheel
  • use of efficient water fixtures
  • use of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood



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